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Design Requirements of Automobile Inspection Tools

2022-06-11 Page view : 305 views

In recent years, the technology of automobile inspection tools has developed rapidly and has become the mainstream technology. Because of its good cutting quality and precision, as well as high processing speed, the automobile industry generally believes that laser cutting is likely to replace stamping as the mainstream automobile inspection tool technology in the future. Now, we will briefly introduce the application of automobile inspection tool technology in automobile mold making. In the production site of automobile parts, on-line inspection of automobile parts is realized through automobile inspection fixture. Therefore, it is necessary to install the automobile parts on the automobile inspection fixture accurately, and then inspect the profile and periphery of the automobile parts by visual inspection, or gauge or caliper. It is also possible to visually inspect the holes with different properties on the automobile parts and the connection position between the automobile parts and the automobile parts by means of inspection pins or visual inspection, so as to ensure the quick judgment of the quality state of the automobile parts during trial production and start production.


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